I Love Tailwinds!

I love tailwinds! What cyclist doesn’t?
During yesterday’s ride, I got a good breeze behind me on the way home; and for four or five seconds was cruising at 20+ mph! For me, that’s very fast. That’s why I love tailwinds.
Today was different. I rode to the salvage store; and the wind was pesky. Tomorrow looks like more of the same; and I’d better ride early in the day. The afternoon heat index might reach 111 degrees!
That’s when I’m glad to be indoors, with the air conditioner running; and an icy cola to drink. Gosh, I’m getting soft. I grew up in this hot, humid climate with no A/C; and now I’d be hard-pressed to do without it.
My distance this morning was extended by a few miles. Almost two miles into the ride to the salvage store, I remembered that I didn’t have my wallet with me; and I had to go back home to fetch it. What a nuisance that was! In addition, if I had been one minute later, I would have had to wait for a freight train! I was glad that I beat it to the crossing; but I didn’t escape the blast from its horn. Talk about LOUD!!
Back home I ate an early lunch; then after another short errand I could get to editing my website. It still needs a lot of work. In fact, I don’t think it will ever end. If I’ve learned only one thing about keeping a website, it’s that a website is a work in progress.
Creating a menu bar, aka nav bar, isn’t complicated in itself; but when I have to create new pages to link to the menu it gets very time-consuming! After several hours of such intense mental focus, I feel like a zombie. I wish there were some kind of tailwind that could speed up the process; but there isn’t.
I hope I’ll get a tailwind at least part of the time during tomorrow’s ride. Then I’ll have an energy boost for further editing work when I get home.