Sometimes I feel like Jenny in the song: get your cookin\’ done!
I sure had a lot of it to do today! I had used up the stuff in the freezer, and needed to make more. My diet has been off the rails for several weeks; and it\’s time to get it back on track. It\’s too expensive to buy lunches at work as a regular thing (how I miss work-from-home!); and, like most people, want something quick and easy when I get home from work.
Before I could even begin today\’s kitchen activities, I had to make a trip to the supermarket. For the first item on the culinary program, Kidsazi Hop, I needed celery and a bell pepper. I also needed other vegetables; I wanted hummus and yogurt; and I was about out of fruit. I ran out of bananas days ago; and I missed them. No bananas meant using chocolate whey powder in almond milk as my pre-ride snack! I usually reserve it for post-long ride refueling.
The Program
Here we go. I feel like Jenny, with all this cooking I have to get done!
Actually, I made the \”Hop\” in stages. I soaked the dry anasazi beans over Thursday night. The next morning I drained them and popped them in the freezer; and today they cooked quickly. I had a can of kidney beans that I needed to use; and I cooked them with the other beans. I cooked the rice for the Kidsazi Hop last night; and while the bean combination was cooking, I got the other ingredients ready. When the beans were done, assembling the dish was quick work.
By the time I got the \”Hop\” finished, it was already about 12:30 pm; and after I put it in the freezer, I still had to make garbage soup and squashed sauce. I makes me feel like Jenny — I\’ve got to get my cookin\’ done; and I sure got tired of washing pots!
It was well past 3:00 pm when I finally finished actual cooking; and there are still dishes to wash! That\’s the worst part about cooking: cleaning up afterwards!