



Rabbitroom sounds like a hutch to me. I’ve never had a pet rabbit; but of course I’ve heard about a rabbit hutch.

These gloves sound like great wear for Winter rides. So far I’ve never found any gloves that really keep my hands warm on cold days. Even if they did keep my hands warm, full-finger gloves make eating on the bike awkward.

It might sound like insanity to be talking about heated gloves now. Our afternoon high temperatures have been at or near 100 degrees nearly every day for weeks; and excessive heat warnings have become the norm. These warnings go into effect as early as 10:00 am; and I try to be back home from riding by that time.

Going out to ride when it’s baking hot is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, you have to be extra careful about hydration; and the you certainly want to avoid heat stroke!

On the other hand, riding in such heat is the only way to get acclimated if you’re aiming at an event such as RAGBRAI. Iowa can get hot and humid; and the average daily mileage for RAGBRAI is something like 60+ miles! That means riding during the heat of the day.

How to get acclimated? It’s a matter of starting with short, easy rides; and building up distance and speed. Use a hydration system; and take a electrolyte drink. Allow youself plenty of time to get used to hot rides.

But don’t drive yourself crazy about it; you don’t want to make yourself into a basket case. Or should I say, a hutch case?