

Hurricane Guest


\”Hurricane Guest\” was the title of a book I found in my school\’s library when I was about eleven years old. It told of a boy whose British pen-pal arrived for a visit just as a hurricane was moving in.

We\’ve had a hurricane guest, too. Zeta came through last night; and few guests have ever been less welcome!

I lost power yesterday at about 4:50 pm. Without electricity I couldn\’t access the Internet; my landline was dead; and of course there were the concerns about all the food in my fridge and freezer. I couldn\’t even read much because the light wasn\’t good enough.

Around 11 am I went for a short bicycle ride. I used the hybrid, in case the path had a lot of storm debris (twigs, etc.) on it; but the surface was clear. The snag came about 3 miles from home in the shape of yellow Caution tape across the path; and some downed power lines.

Just before I got back home, I saw a big tree on the ground in the next street to mine. I guess that explains the local power outage!

The power stayed off until around 7:10 this evening. Once it was back on, I lost no time googling how long food stays good during a power outage. What I found says, up to 4 hours in the fridge, and 48 hours in the freezer.

So the freezer stuff is OK, but much of the fridge stuff had to go.?