
Hunkering Down — Sorta

\"hunkeringI\’m hunkering down — sorta.

Thanks to Tropical Storm Barry, I\’m enjoying a mini-vacation. I don\’t quite dare try to go for a real ride; at present the wind is as much as 22 mph. That makes bike handling difficult, and if the wind strengthens, there will be the hazard of flying objects.

It was wonderful to not have to get up early in order to go for a ride. I\’m looking forward to retirement as being able to get in nine hours\’ sleep per night!

I didn\’t have to go to work today, nor did I have to head out for the grocery store early, before road traffic built up too much. Actually, I wouldn\’t be surprised if many stores\’ shelves are rather bare now. When there\’s a tropical storm hanging around, bottled water, canned goods, and batteries sell like hotcakes.

At around 9:15 am I hiked over to the nearby filling station, where I got a snack and a soda at the mini-mart. I didn\’t need either, but I did need to get outdoors for a bit. When I\’m at work I usually get outdoors a few times during the day, even if only for five minutes. I need those little breaks more than I realize until I\’m stuck inside because of bad weather.

After a while I\’ll hook a bicycle into the trainer, and pedal a while. It\’s monotonous as you-know-where, but better than nothing. I have to do something to keep myself from going bonkers while I\’m hunkering down — sorta.