

Hope It\’s Better Tomorrow

\"hopeI hope it\’s better tomorrow! It looks something\’s rotten in the State of Denmark; and similarly, this morning\’s ride was rotten.

The temperature was down to 42 degrees. For several days it had been about 59-60 in the morning, and gotten up to 80 degrees by afternoon; so that\’s a major (and sudden) change.

It was mostly overcast. A gray sky makes a cold ride seem colder, and makes me feel lethargic. I think about how I\’d like to be home and sleeping, instead of focusing on riding.

To top it all off, the wind was terrible! The weather site I checked this morning said the wind was 15 mph. When I got out there on the road bike, I thought it seemed stronger than that. I checked a different weather site when I had completed my ride. Sure enough, the wind was 20 mph.

I had planned to put in at least 30 miles. Shameful to state, struggling against the wind was so tiring that I turned around at 7.3 miles. There\’s also something  demoralizing about seeing that you\’re going under 8 mph; never mind that you\’re actually working hard.

My heavy, oversized gloves made it hard to get out a bite to eat; another reason why I turned back very early. To boot, I wasn\’t comfortable. Even with double socks, my feet were cold. I need thermal socks! My leg warmers weren\’t warm enough. I had on four \”top story\” layers, and still felt chilly. My head started to get cold, despite the skull cap

I hope it\’s better tomorrow; but unfortunately, tonight is supposed to get colder than tonight. If I want to ride, I\’ll have to bundle up; grit my teeth; and go for it. And, perhaps, be glad that I\’m not in Denmark?