



IS hindsight 20/20?

Hindsight may or may not be 20/20, but we can use a little of it while cycling; and especially if we have to ride alongside traffic. It helps if we can see what’s coming up from behind!

I have a MTB rearview mirror for the hybrid.

I hope objects in the mirror are NOT as close as they appear!

It’s very useful; but I admit that sometimes I forget to watch that mirror. Riding alongside moving cars means traffic on my left, and parked cars on my right; so I also have to worry about the possibility of getting “doored“. It’s hard to watch on both sides at the same time.

The road bike has a handlebar-end mirror.

Not as useful as I had hoped, unfortunately. It may be different for you.

The catch with this mirror is that it’s tricky to position it correctly; and every time I reach down for the water bottle, I bump it out of line! Another problem is that, if the sun is low in the sky, it shines right into the mirror; and both I and riders approaching from the rear can get blinded.

In hindsight, I should have started yesterday’s ride somewhat earlier. It was 82 degrees by the time I finished; and today it reached 90! I must remember to drink more while riding; and I hope I sweat it out instead of needing frequent pit stops.

Yesterday I strained something near my left knee; a tendon, maybe. The joint itself seems to be all right; and all I can do is to be careful for a while; and maybe ride in the park so I don’t have to ride up that access ramp to the top of the levee!