



I\’m no heartthrob; but sometimes my efforts on the bicycle make my heart throb.

Today I worked at pushing for a higher speed, one minute at a time. Those intervals got my heart rate into the max; and that didn\’t happen much before Ida. I don\’t think I was going faster today than I was back then; so I can only conclude that I\’m not back into shape yet.

On the other hand, occasionally pushing your heart rate into the red for a short time is an important aspect of cyclist training. If you\’ve got a big event looming, you need to be ready for intense efforts in case the big day throws prolonged headwinds at you.

The weather today isn\’t very cooperative. The forecast predicted a high chance of rain; and in fact we already had some showers. I got the first drops on the way home from the supermarket. I was relieved that this sprinkle didn\’t last long.

Then I had to decide whether to go out on the road bike right away; or wait until later. There were still plenty of clouds, but it seemed to be clearing; so I decided to ride. As I was homeward bound, the clouds moved in again; and with a mile still to go, it began to rain.

Fortunately it didn\’t pour; but I was glad to get home, because the forecast includes T-storms as well as showers. As I\’ve said so often, getting caught in a lightning storm makes me very nervous! Tomorrow\’s forecast is similar; so I might have to resign myself to getting soaked. Some heartthrob I\’ll be then, huh?