

Happybuy Adult Trike

Happybuy Adult Trike

A great alternative for folks who aren’t able to manage a two-wheeler.

I bet this Happybuy Adult Trike can make many people very happy. Some folks who want to pedal have balance/dizziness issues; and aren’t able to manage a regular bicycle. For them, an adult tricycle can open up the world of cycling!

You can choose from one or seven speeds; and if you have hills to deal with, extra gears are a great help. The same is true of persistent headwinds.

The Happybuy Adult Trike has a large rear basket; and that’s great for bringing home groceries. If you want to go on pedaling expeditions, that basket can carry your supplies.

My own tricycle was a single-speed. When I first got it, I didn’t expect to ride as much as I did; and additional gears didn’t occur to me. But I was hooked on riding before I made it the one mile home!

Over the next two years or so I rode more and more; and eventually I had the trike fitted with a three-speed hub. I’m sure I couldn’t have gotten through my tricycle century without it!

A big disadvantage to the tricycle was that I couldn’t bring it indoors. The rear wheels assembly was just a little too wide to get in through the door. In addition, that trike weighed about 55 pounds; and I have three steps up to my front door.

Another thing about a tricycle: if you’ve been used to riding two wheels, remember NOT to lean a trike into a turn. The result quite likely won’t be so happy.