

GU Time

GU Time

It was GU Time during this morning’s ride. Usually I don’t need to stop for a gel during a weekday ride; but this morning I began to feel like I needed the energy boost.

Not that I did a very long ride; only 12.5 miles. I did , however, include some 30-second efforts at riding 15 mph or more. I guess that did it. 

My stomach wasn’t growling; and in fact, I didn’t feel hungry. But I started to feel really tired; and I had some five miles to go before I got home. Better to stop a minute to eat a “goo” than to keep going, and then bonk — and have a miserable time getting home as a result.

In fact, that’s why I carry a few gels at all times. You never know when GU Time might strike; and I’m glad I was able to whip up a smoothie in a hurry once I got home.

Last night I mixed up skim milk with protein powder; and all I needed to do was pour it into the blender; add 3/4 cup of frozen blueberries; and blend it.

Now that I have a blender, maybe I’ll get more onto smoothies. I’m sure there are many combinations; and however delicious chocolate-blueberry is, I won’t want it for every drink!