

got wet boots

Got Wet Boots?

Got wet boots? This DX Boot Dryer might be exactly what you need.

DX Boot Dryer can handle up to four items at a time; and dries them in an hour or two. Takes care of gloves and stocking caps, too!

More than once, during rainy spells, I’ve wished I had one of these. When I get home with sopping wet shoes, the best I can do is stuff them with wadded newspaper; and change the paper every few hours. Even then, the shoes are still damp the next day.

I remember my brother-in-law had one of these when he worked for USPS. He had a delivery route; and of course was out in all kinds of weather. 

So if you’ve got wet boots, this appliance can save you the discomfort of going out again in damp footwear.