

Good Trip

Good Trip

I had a good trip to the salvage store today!

This time the grab-bag bins were piled quite high; and I found three FitCrunch bars! I also found packets of peanuts; and I got a few candy bars as well.

Elsewhere in the store, I found some things that will make good ride food; and I got almond milk, too.

Since I had the trailer, I bought a 12-roll pack of bath tissue. Why not get it while I can? Of course that was a bulky item; but really, I had quite a small load. That was helpful during the trip back home; and the wind wasn’t bad; so it was a good trip on the whole.

As I rode, I watched big thunderheads that were off   towards the West and South. I knew that we might get rain and T-storms by early afternoon; and it looked like somebody was already getting it!

About twenty minutes after I got home, the sun began to dodge in and out of the clouds. Around noon, I began to hear thunder. I had thought of riding over to the drug store; but if a T-storm was moving in, it was better to stay home.

After I got my loot home from the salvage store, I sat down to the usual: figure out how much I saved over buying that stuff at regular stores. Sometimes I come up with figures that I can’t quite believe; but then again, protein bars are expensive. FitCrunch bars normally cost over $2.00 apiece; and today I got three at about sixteen cents each! Things like that add up fast.

That’s why I keep going to the salvage store. I need the ride; and I love the savings!