

Give It a Whirl

Give It a Whirl

Sometimes it’s good to give it a whirl. A new twist on things can be fun. It might be tweaking a favorite recipe; or using a new route to get in your usual mileage. But yesterday’s weather gave a different meaning to “give it a whirl”; namely, there were tornadoes!

Our forecast was for possibly severe T-storms in the afternoon. Things didn’t look too bad during the morning; but from noon onwards, the sky got more and more gloomy; and the wind picked up. I was getting nervous about having to walk home through a storm; and finally left work at 2:00 pm, so as to beat the storms home.

On the way, I heard a few grumbles of thunder. It wasn’t raining yet when I arrived at home; and I was glad I beat the rain. I sat down and watched a YouTube or two; then started some work on my website. My cell phone was right next to me; and a few minutes before 4:00 pm, it rang with a tornado warning.

YIKES!! I donned my bicycle helmet; and went to sit next to my closet, ready to jump inside if things got wild. I remembered what I heard when the Feb 13, 2007 twister went by, and listened for that; but it didn’t happen. There was a lot of lightning for a while, though.

Arabi was one of the unlucky locales this time; and a different twister a little West of here resulted in several deaths. It’s sad anytime such things happen; but just before Christmas makes it worse! And the weather is about to get colder, too.

I’ll have to bundle up to ride again. Not my favorite thing; but I’ll just have to give it a whirl.