

Getting Close

Getting Close!

I’m getting close to my Love to Ride mileage goal for the year. Less than 300 miles to go! If you want to participate, it isn’t too late to set a goal and start riding; and you know they say, better late than never.

Our weather is about to turn unpleasant. It won’t be cold — in the 70s — but T-storms are in the forecast. It doesn’t look good for my trip to the salvage store. Rain is one thing; but lightning is quite another! 

We really need rain, though. We got some this past Tuesday; but it wasn’t enough. It’s actually quite amazing to see how fast things dried up again; and for us, that’s unusual.

Sunday’s forecast is much better: mostly sunny; calm; and a high of 74. The weather can hardly be better than that for riding😊

I’m also getting close to retirement. Just a little over two months to go; and I’m looking forward to having more time to ride. It will be nice to not have to get up at 4:30 am; and I can start to lengthen my daily rides a little.

I’ll have more time to work on this web site; and maybe I can take better care of myself when I’m home to cook. My diet has been badly off track for months; and it’s long past high time I got things back under control.

Getting back to the weather, it got more and more overcast all day today. It was a relief to not have the sun smack in my eyes on the way home!