


\"gamblingI\’m gambling? Why don\’t I head for the nearest casino if I want to play \”games of chance\”?

Well, weather is a gamble, isn\’t it? Early today it wasn\’t raining. After checking the forecast last night, I expected it would be storming. I went for a spin on the road bike, but rode in the park and kept it short. I wanted to be fairly close to home in case the weather did turn nasty.

That gamble paid off; but just after I got back home, the power went out. I was going to write a Facebook post, but my laptop told me I wasn\’t connected the Internet. Maybe because I didn\’t have \”juice\”? By the time the electricity was back on, it was time for me to leave for work.

Despite the rain risk later in the day, I rode the hybrid to work. I was getting tired of not riding to work! In this case, gambling didn\’t turn out so well.

When I left work, there was a light rain. I donned the poncho and went out to my bicycle. Before I could get ready to start home the rain got heavier. For almost a mile it was pouring. There must have been a heavy rain band right over me. Then, quite suddenly, the rain was much lighter. I\’m glad there was little lightning, and I didn\’t get caught by a train.

Now it\’s 7:45 pm, and raining on and off. Yet more rain is expected tonight and tomorrow. Maybe I\’ll walk to work, but that might mean wading through some deep puddles. Walk or ride? Either way it\’s a gamble.