
Fumble Fingers

fumble fingers garmin clumsy ride
Sometimes those digits don’t work quite right!

Fumble Fingers was me this morning. I set out, intending to ride 50 miles or so; and at 14.5 miles, I managed to press Save Ride. That wasn’t what I wanted; and I had no choice but to start a “new ” ride. Then I had to run constant mental arithmetic, always adding 14.5 to the mileage I saw on my Garmin’s screen.

Garmin Edge 530
Keep track of mileage; time; cadence; and more!

Today I didn’t start by doing laps around the park, as I did last Sunday; and I also started about an hour later. That wasn’t a good idea. Next Sunday, I’d better go back to last Sunday’s plan.

I was a bit over-warm before I could complete my 50 miles; and the wind was a nuisance. It was up to 10 mph before the end, and that’s strong enough for me to feel it; especially when I’m getting tired.

The latter part of today’s jaunt had me thinking that I’m not nearly ready for a century; yet part of my mind is saying, Just Go For It! Otherwise I might never do it.

This won’t be my first century; but my last 100-mile ride was so long ago that it might as well be my first! Of course I know about keeping fueled and hydrated; and I know it’s better to take along ride-food that I’m used to.

I do think I ought to delay trying a century until early mornings are warm enough for half-finger gloves. Fumble Fingers are worse when encased in full-finger gloves; and I don’t want to be dropping my much-needed food!


After this month it might be too hot for an all-day ride; and then I’d have to set my sights on an October century. That’s what I was shooting for last year; then Ida threw my plans into disarray.

Post-Ida I thought, maybe I can do the Big Ride in December; but we got some very cold weather; and that discourages prolonged rides as far as I’m concerned.

I’ll see how things go for the next few weeks. Love to Ride is in full swing; and I want to get in my miles! I hope for a non-windy day soon, when putting in mega-miles will be easier; and warmer weather helps prevent Fumble Fingers!