

Frigid Holidays

Frigid Holidays!

We’re in for some frigid holidays!

At present the temperature is 57 degrees; but overnight it’s going to plunge to the mid-20s. For us, that’s VERY cold. The wind is expected to pick up, too; and from midnight there’s a wind chill advisory. I’m ever so glad I don’t have to go to work tomorrow!

I’m not going to try to ride outdoors tomorrow; that’s certain! Judging by past experience, I’m not sure the most sophisticated thermal socks will keep my feet warm; and multiple layers on my legs make pedaling a chore.

When it’s so cold and windy, it seems impossible to put on enough layers to keep my upper body warm; and even with a helmet liner, my head aches from the cold. There’s the oft-mentioned nuisance of a runny nose; and in the kind of conditions predicted for tomorrow, my nose would be “flowing like the River Shannon“, as some people might say.

This extreme cold is going to last a few days; but no snow for us. When it gets cold enough to snow, it’s usually because a cold front has swept the sky clear of clouds.

In a way that’s good. Sunshine might help keep my place a bit warmer. Even so, it will be frigid holidays. As to riding, I plan to hook the bicycle into the trainer and pedal a bit. That might keep me warm — unfortunately, only as long as I keep pedaling.

I must remember to leave a faucet running overnight; and I did the laundry this afternoon. If the pipes do happen to freeze, at least that’s one thing I won’t have to worry about! I have several gallon jugs of drinking water; and plenty of canned food. I might as well be hunkering down for a hurricane!