



It will be frigid tomorrow morning! The forecast predicts a chilly 63 degrees! Compared to 80 degrees at 5 am, that\’s downright cold; and as usual, there\’s no gradual cooling down. Now it\’s time to haul out skull cap, leg warmers, and so on.

One of the worst things about cold — or even cool! — weather is that my exercise-induced rhinitis gets a lot worse; especially if it\’s windy. It means that I can\’t breathe through my nose, which means that I get thirsty faster.

There\’s also the problem of cold extremities. My hands and feet become chilled very quickly. I don\’t like to think of the added misery if I get caught in the rain on a cold morning, but it happens now and then. When it does, I come home wishing I had a dryer for my wet things.

I don\’t expect this \”cold snap\” to last long. It\’s typical for us to get a brief cold spell, after which the outdoor sauna returns. That drives everybody crazy. Many a time I\’ve heard people complain about the wild fluctuations in temperature.

Cold one day; warm the next. I end up with all sorts of accessories strewn everywhere: leg warmers; arm warmers; skull cap; heavy gloves; lightweight gloves; boxing … no, wait, not those kind of gloves!

Needing to use cycling jackets and other cold-weather togs means more things to be washed. After I wash them, I have to find a place to hang them up to dry.

All in all, I have an easier time when the weather isn\’t frigid.