

Free Monday

Free Monday

Memorial Day

It’s so nice to have a free Monday! I didn’t have to get up at 4:30 am; and I had time to do a 19-mile ride.

I hesitate to say, Happy Memorial Day; for Memorial Day is actually quite a solemn occasion. We remember those who gave their lives for our country.

Of course I went for a ride; and since I didn’t have to get to work, I had time to put in 19 miles. Naturally I had a headwind on the way back; and I get SO tired of that! But what else can I do? If I’m going to ride, I have no choice but to deal with headwinds.

It was 80 degrees at 8:00 am; but the humidity is a relatively low 55%. Getting some comparatively dry air is a big relief. Even so, there’s a 20% chance of T-storms this afternoon. At least I don’t have to go anywhere; and I just hope that hurricane doesn’t cross over into the Gulf of Mexico! If it does, we might be in trouble.

I’ve started to gather some canned goods to take along if I have to evacuate. After my many trips to the salvage store, I have plenty; and I’m looking for things that have pop-top lids. After all, what’ll I do if I forget the can-opener?

With a free Monday, I had some time for cooking. I made a Hoppin’ John variation, with canned pinto beans and canned black-eye peas. I discovered that the plain yogurt had gone bad; and had to throw it out. Luckily the yogurt isn’t critical. The original recipe uses a little sour cream as garnish; so I mix in a little plain yogurt.

Back to work tomorrow. What a drag!