



No, I\’m not freaking out; but wearing leg warmers in May is freaky, all right.

When I went out to ride this morning, it was below 70 degrees! Overnight lows of 80 degrees are far from uncommon this time of year, and it was a bit odd to go out in those leg warmers; long sleeves; cycling jacket; and skull cap.

As it turned out, a long-sleeved blouse with vest might have sufficed. With that jacket on, I actually got a mite too warm; but then again, I don\’t enjoy feeling chilled as I ride.

Friday is a work-from-home day, so I could take the time to ride a bit extra. It gets light before 6 am now, and I enjoy seeing the daylight grow. I appreciate the improved visibility, too. It\’s helpful when I work at hard efforts, and my speed gets over 20 mph! When I ride hard in the dark, I worry that I\’ll outrun my headlight.

No interesting sightings today: no gator eyes; no shooting stars; and the next full moon isn\’t until May 26. Maybe next time!

Tonight it will be freakishly cool again; down to 62 degrees! That\’s like October, not May. But this freaky weather is good for riding; it\’s cool, but not too cold. It will be good for tomorrow\’s trip to the salvage store; and for the Sunday long ride, too.

I hope I can keep myself from getting too many canned goods! In a way it\’s good that I have a big supply. With hurricane season almost here, I must set aside some things as an emergency stash.

It would be terrific if no hurricanes formed at all; but that would be downright freakish!