


Francine 🌀

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Francine has come and gone; but fortunately for me, it wasn’t an epic disaster.

Wednesday, between early afternoon and 9 pm, we had several flash flood warnings; but my neighborhood luckily didn’t suffer. I still had  electricity when I went to bed Wednesday night around 10 pm; and hoped that I wouldn’t see an outage at all.

Vain hope! I woke up yesterday about 1 am; and the window unit and electric fan were both off. Possibly the cessation of their sounds was what woke me! The power outage continued until about 1:15 pm today.

Coastal Louisiana got the brunt of Francine; but so far, no deaths have been reported.😮‍💨 We were lucky this time; but who knows when another monster hurricane might arrive. It’s when; not if.

Passing the Time ⏱️

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When the electricity is off for a prolonged period, there’s the matter of passing the time; and it’s much the opposite of being time crunched. It was rather dark in here for reading; I didn’t want to get into heavy house cleaning because I would have gotten too hot; and no “juice”means no internet and no blogging!

By 11:00 am yesterday the clouds were breaking up; and I went for a walk. I was tired of being cooped up indoors; and I had heard nothing about orders to stay at home. It was great to get outside and get moving! Several hours later, I decided to go for a bicycle ride.

I was going to use the hybrid; but “General Tzo” had other ideas. The rear tire went flat; and I’m not sure whether the valve got stuck open; or tore away from the tube. Either way, I can’t ride the bike. The bike shop seems to be closed today; so I couldn’t go get the tire taken care of.

After the Storm ☀️

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But I was keen to put in some time behind bars; and yesterday I used the road bike to do some laps around the park. This morning I went out on the levee. I didn’t do my usual mileage; but I’m getting moving again after the storm.

It was a relief to get electrical power back; but I’m going to have to toss out quite lot of food! ☹️ I saw a news article that says, a lot of stores are running out of stuff. People are trying to replace lost supplies post-Francine; so I don’t know how much I’ll find at the store tomorrow!

Things are crazy after the storm. It will take a while for everything to settle down again!

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I began this website primarily as a way to present the story of how I accomplished a century ride on an adult tricycle. Other riders of adult trikes might want to know whether it’s possible. It sure is! You can read all about it in My Story.

I live in New Orleans; and  retired in January 2023. More time for cycling!

Website designed by Cecile Levert

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© This website is the property of its author.


I am not a cycling coach; nor a health professional. This site is based on my own experiences, opinions, etc. If you need help, please consult the appropriate professional.





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