

Four Times Pre Prep

Four Times Pre Prep?

four time pre prep RAGBRAI spokeasy blog post
RAGBRAI on My Mind!

This feels like four times pre prep. If I do RAGBRAI, it won’t be until July of next year; and already I’m thinking of what I’ll need to take along on the ride.

The videos I’ve watched about RAGBRAI make it quite plain that this is a week-long food fest. Although salad bars are mentioned, I get the impression that there’s not much fiber otherwise. Pork chops; pie; ice cream — no fiber there; and we know what can happen with a low-fiber diet!

I wouldn’t want my big adventure to be spoiled by the miseries of “irregularity”; so I’m trying out some fiber wafers now. If those  things don’t agree with me, now is the time to find out; and they’ll be put down on my no-go list. If they’re OK, then I’ll take them with me.

I’ll probably want GU-Gels. How many per day; and which flavors? If I suck down several “goos” per day, I’ll get flavor fatigue if they all taste the same; and that’s no fun.

Moving on from diet, what about “housing”? Even if I use a charter service that will take care of a tent for me, I’ll need bedding: an inflatable mattress; sleeping bag; and a pillow (or something that can substitute for a pillow). These items need to be lightweight; and capable of being folded or rolled into a compact package. Which reminds me, I’ll need a duffel bag, too. Just keep in mind the weight limit!

Gosh, all these things to think about! See why I call it Four Times Pre Prep?

RAGBRAI can get very hot and humid. Having lived in New Orleans all my life, I should be used to that; but riding in it for hours every day is another story. I think I’ll get one of those cooling neck gaiters soon, and see how they work. It won’t be long before we’ll have overnight low temperatures around 80 degrees; and my Sunday long rides will be sweltering.

How about the wardrobe? Clean shorts for each day is the most important thing of all; and I’m not sure I’ll be able to wash shorts at any point. Wearing them into a shower might not get them clean enough; so that means seven pairs of shorts to pack along. Jerseys? I can wear one for two days; and if I start to get smelly, I won’t be the only one!

I was surprised to hear that it can get cold during RAGBRAI; ergo have leg warmers, arm warmers, and a jacket handy! A helmet liner, too. A ventilated helmet on a chilly day makes for a miserably cold head.

And lots more. RAGBRAI 2024 is a long way off; but four times pre prep can’t hu