
Food for Thought?

Food for Thought

How about some food for thought? It’s as important as on-bike food.

I don’t think we really want to be matchstick-thin; although who wouldn’t like to have the figure of a Tour de France climbing specialist?  I certainly would; but my legs will always look heavy. It’s my natural build; and I’m stuck with it.

Competitive cyclists in particular need to balance maintaining a trim figure with maintaining their strength and power — even enough power to  climb up to this mountain pass!* That must take some doing.

We hear about pro riders who weigh every bite that they eat. I, for one, have no intention of taking things that far; and of course, we need to eat enough on the bike that we don’t bonk.

During a prolonged stage race, that gets harder and harder. Especially towards the end of such a race, riders can start going catabolic because they’re burning so many calories every day; yet eating feels like force-feeding for them. That’s some food for thought!

Eating properly off the bike is equally important. Even as a run-of-the-mill cyclist — one who doesn’t have to have a racing figure — I need a lot of improvement in my diet! I need more veggies; but I often must resort to the frozen or canned variety. When I get home from work I 1) usually don’t feel like cooking; and 2) have to get to work blogging. All too often I’ll just grab what’s quickest and easiest, which usually isn’t the most nutritious stuff.

Do I need to lose weight? Most decidedly. Do I need to be thin? Well — no — not really. Certainly not like a matchstick!

*P.S. I LOVE “Caucasian Sketches”!