
Flavor Fatigue

flavor fatigue gatorade whey protein bar ride food

I think flavor fatigue is setting in. For some weeks, my ride food has consisted largely of Gatorade Whey Protein bars. For weeks, the salvage store has had them for $1.11 apiece; and I’ve been buying them like crazy.

Does that save me money? It depends on how you look at it. If I buy a box of a dozen of those bars online, I save perhaps 11 cents per bar. Over time, even that adds up; but Met-Rx bars at the drug store costs $2.99 apiece. It means $1.88 saved by each Gatorade bar; and that’s quite significant.

By now I’m getting rather tired of the same flavor of bar week after week; and want a bit of a change. I hope I don’t end up needing Pepto Bismol! Maybe it’s time to haul out Feed Zone Portables again.

Feed Zone Portables
Recipes for on-bike foods

Flavor fatigue sometimes haunts me when I’m away from the bike; and I get weary of having to haul so much along to work with me. I keep falling off the wagon with my diet; and badly need to get back on track. I’m due to get my A1c levels checked again; and I fear it won’t be good news.

How I miss working from home! It made it so much easier if I wanted to make an early trip to the supermarket. Now that I’m working on-site, I have to get to the store; get the stuff that I want; take it home and put away perishables; and then get to work for 8:00 am! It makes me feel rushed; and I don’t like that.

When I was home all day, it was easier to keep my diet in check; and avoiding flavor fatigue was easier. Those were the days!