
Fixed or Growing?

\"fixedAm I fixed or growing?

How do we think about our training? In essence, every pedal stroke we take is training, so let\’s forget a minute about whether our rides are \”real\” training or not. What\’s our mindset? Which kind of mindset do I, myself, have?

Naturally, I like to think that I have the \”growth\” mentality. But do I, really; and how do I measure that?

For example, take climbing. I know I\’m not good at it. I live in flatland, so the opportunities to work at climbing are few and far between. To get anything like \”hill training\” I have to ride several miles over rough streets to the nearest overpass. Does not doing so count as \”avoidance\”?

Group rides are another sticky point for me. I\’m very sensitive to scented things; and some people, not meaning to be insulting, really pour it on. I can\’t wear a filter mask while riding; it\’s too smothery. Therefore I shy away from group rides, even though I often wish I could get more group riding experience. Maybe I could even learn drafting!

I might seem to have the \”fixed\” mentality in that I\’m not trying out different kinds of cycling, such as MTB or cyclocross. Or not entering my first race. I don\’t have the finances to branch out into other cycling disciplines; and I\’m honestly not interested in racing.

OK, maybe I\’m stuck in the \”fixed\” mentality. Fixed, or growing? Let\’s hope that the onset of Spring will help me to \”spring\” out of it and make some growth.