

Fill the Tank

fill the tank drive ride fuel food

We fill the tank before we drive a car somewhere, don’t we? Well, or ride a motorcycle. We also have to “fill the tank” before beginning a long bicycle ride; and that’s not always as easy as it sounds.

What do I need to eat before I even start the ride? Which foods should I take with me for on-bike fueling; and how much of them?

I found this on a web site a day or two ago: “A good way to estimate your additional calorie need is to multiply the distance travelled in miles by 40-50 calories. Therefore, if you’ve been out for a 30-mile ride you can estimate an extra calorie need of between 1,200-1,500 calories erring towards the bottom end of this if you’re a slower or lighter rider and toward the top end if you’re faster or heavier.” (Unfortunately I don’t remember which web site contained this info; so I can’t give it proper credit?)

If I followed that advice, I’d eat far too much! Last Sunday I rode 52 miles; and per the above calculations, I should have eaten 2080-2600 calories. However, my bicycle computer’s data showed that I burned only 1445 calories.

I think I’ll forget about that formula; and keep doing what I’ve been doing. During my Sunday ride I took in 865 calories, which seems a lot more sensible to me.

One of my favorite ride foods

Over the years I’ve tried many different on-bike foods; and before I begin a long ride I fill the “tank” with my choice of energy/protein bars, cut in pieces for easier handling.

It’s not fun when it rains, though; and my food gets soggy. I’m lucky that wet fuel doesn’t foul my “engine”!

More Déjà Vu

This afternoon we’re getting more déjà vu in the form of possible severe weather. Wasn’t last Wednesday enough? Is “hump day” jinxed?

All day we’ve been under a wind advisory; and even a high wind warning! A tornado watch went into effect early this afternoon; and I’m glad we had the option to leave work early.

By the time I got home around 3:30 pm, the wind was over 30 mph; and I’m glad I didn’t wait to come home until my usual time.

Overnight the wind is supposed to die down a lot; and the bad weather should be past. I guess I won’t have to “fill the tank” too much before I ride in the morning!