

Feeling the Bite

\"feelingI\’m feeling the bite; and I, for one, would not call dentistry \”painless\”. If nothing else, dental work can be a major pain in the bank account!

Yet again, I\’m faced with oral surgery. It\’s coming up in just a few days; and there goes money that I\’d rather use for other things. For starters, I need some new cycling shorts; and I\’m lucky I don\’t need a new bicycle! It\’s a good thing I haven\’t made travel plans for the holidays; plane tickets are crazy expensive.

I\’ll have to work my riding schedule around surgery day, so I can minimize off-bike time. My procedure is scheduled for 8 am; and will require sedation. I don\’t dare try to ride when I\’m still spacey from that stuff; and I know it won\’t truly wear off until quite late in the day. Possibly I won\’t feel up to riding even the next day.

Here\’s the bright side to feeling the bite: I won\’t want to chew much for a day or two. Finally, a great excuse to eat ice cream!