

eyes on the weather

Eyes on the Weather

We’ve got our eyes on the weather again. Hurricane Ian is out there!

We in New Orleans are expecting minimal impact from the storm; but poor Florida looks like the bull’s eye. On top of that, Ian is rapidly growing stronger. If he suddenly decides to change trajectories and head more to the Northwest, we could be in BIG TROUBLE! Some folks are still reeling from the effects of Ida.

I had my eyes on the weather during the ride home from work yesterday. A big, black cloud was over the sun; and for all I knew, it might rain at any moment!  I didn’t have my poncho with me; so I rode harder than usual to get home faster. And then it didn’t rain after all!

Today I had a tough ride home from work. For about half the way, I had a 13 mph headwind; with gusts up to 21 mph! We’re under a wind advisory until 10 pm tomorrow.

Maybe I’ll be the weakling, and go ride in the park tomorrow morning. I’ll have that headwind on the way home; but I won’t be fighting it for six miles as I would on top of the levee.

As to headwinds, this morning I had a 10 mph headwind on the way home. For nearly six miles, I averaged 11.12 mph against it. That doesn’t sound fast; but such a wind used to slow me to 8 mph; or even 6 mph! I need to remind myself of that when I feel like I’m not improving!