Esnow Toe Clips
Esnow Toe Clips are made of environmentally-friendly plastic; and the adjustable straps are of sturdy nylon. Toe clips let you put more power into your pedal stroke; and they keep your feet from slipping. That’s very handy in wet weather; and where I live, we get plenty of that! These toe clips are suitable for a variety of outdoor bicycles; or for an indoor bike.
I had something similar to Esnow Toe Clips on my tricycle. After I had them installed, I began to use my quads; and what a different feeling that was! But it always annoyed me that I couldn’t get the strap on the left pedal properly snugged. Chalk it up to my right-handedness, I suppose.
When I moved on to two wheels, I knew that clips with straps weren’t practical for me. With the trike, I didn’t have to worry about keeping my balance; and it was easy to reach down and adjust the straps while I was sitting still. But I’m wasn’t comfortable with the idea of reaching down to my feel while rolling on two wheels; and I’m still not. That meant looking for something else.

Enter strapless toe clips! It’s easy to get my feet in and out of them; and with toe clips you don’t have to have your feet attached to the pedals. The thought of riding clipped in is scary when you aren’t used to doing it!
With these strapless clips, I can take my foot out either to the back; or to the side. They’re lightweight, too. Toe clips are definitely worth it!