

End of the World

End of the World

Some people have completed a bicycle trip around the world!

It feels like the end of the world. This morning I went to the salvage store; and they don’t have the grab-bag bins any more! I’ll sure miss them.

Today I took the trailer; but it might have been better if I had left it home.

Good for big loads; but I admit it’s quite heavy to drag along.

There was a train blocking my usual crossing; and I had to make a detour. It’s lucky I allowed myself extra time to get to that store! I hoped the train would be gone by the time I came back home; but the dratted thing was still sitting there! There was no locomotive on either end; and who knows how long it might be before those cars get moved. Of course I had to make another detour to get home; and the trip that’s normally under 10 miles came to 12.66 miles!

I planned to go out for a spin on the road bike after I got my loot from the salvage store home; but if that train is still there, it will mean yet more detours. I’m not in the mood for that; and I got a bit too hot on the way home from the store. (Next time take an extra bottle of water!)

In addition, there’s an air quality alert in effect; and maybe I’d better wait a few hours to ride. Oh, well. It’s not the end of the world if I can’t ride. Meanwhile, I enjoyed Schumann’s Third Symphony; and of course I need to get the laundry done!