

\”Ears\” to You

\"ears\”Ears\” to you for being a cyclist, but don\’t forget that those ears need TLC as much as your legs do.

If you must ride a lot where there\’s heavy traffic, construction zones with jackhammers, and so on, it would be a good idea to look for something that will dampen all that racket while still allowing you to hear what you need to hear. Even if you aren\’t riding alongside high-volume motor traffic, wind noise can be an issue.

How about some cat ears? They block the worst of the wind, but let you hear what you need to hear. Even if it weren\’t for the possibility of wind noise causing hearing loss over time, wind blowing right in the ears is uncomfortable.

Riding while listening to music? Not a good idea, in my opinion; especially not when you\’re alongside motor traffic. Besides, I know that when I\’m truly listening, I can\’t do anything else.

Ears can let you know when something\’s coming up from behind before your eyes know. Even so, a rearview mirror is a wise idea. Just don\’t get so preoccupied with the REAR view that you forget to watch the way ahead!

If you can ride in rural areas, you\’ll have the chance to do some bird-watching. Or should I say bird-listening? That\’s another reason to take good care of the ears. I know I\’d miss a lot if I were unable to hear birdsong!