

Early Hours

\"earlyEarly hours don\’t always work. Especially when you got to bed an hour late the night before!

This morning again, I fell back asleep. It was already 6:00 when I finally woke up. Too late to go out on the road bike? No, and yes.

No, because I could have gone riding and still have been back home in time to clock in for work. Yes, because I wanted to take advantage of the 7:00 am to 8:00 am Senior Hour at Whole Foods. They have it Wednesdays and Fridays.

I\’m old enough to qualify for that, or at any rate I think I am. Nobody has asked to see an ID so far. There were a few things I wanted that I don\’t remember seeing at other stores; and the plan for tomorrow morning is a salvage store run. By the time I\’m home from that, it will be at least 10:00, and getting beastly hot. The heat index is forecast to climb as high as 106!

So this morning I got my fragrance-free shampoo. I bought some almonds from the bulk bins; two tubes of Nuun tablets; a couple of Clif Bars; and bananas. I could put everything but the bananas in my bike trunk. I brought along a pannier especially for those bananas.

Here\’s why. One time I let some bananas ride home from the store in the bike trunk. The poor fruits got badly bruised, thanks to some rough riding over the rough streets around here. I\’m not going to transport \”nanners\” that way again if I can avoid it!

That\’s one errand out of the way, before the weekend properly began. Whole Foods\’ early hours gave me a head start.