

Dust Bowl

Dust Bowl

We’re turning into a Dust Bowl here. There’s been very little rain since early July; and they’re saying that the Mississippi River is at record lows. I noticed this past Spring that it didn’t rise nearly as much as usual; and it sounds like poor rainfall isn’t unique to New Orleans.

Today it’s bright and clear again; and it warmed up fast. I’m glad there isn’t much wind, because it made the trip to the salvage store a lot easier. Often enough, the ride back home from that place has meant battling a headwind — while pulling a loaded trailer!

It’s interesting to see what the salvage store will have. I never know what I might find; and that’s one of the big attractions of the place. This morning I found 4-oz bags of macadamia nuts! I don’t buy macadamias often, because they’re quite expensive; but today I got some.

Speaking of expensive, some unfortunate neighbors of mine are now put to the cost of replacing car windows! For  a long time, local news has been full of reports about car burglaries; often “smash-and-grab”. About 7:00 am, as I was walking over to feed my friends’ cat, I saw two vehicles with busted-out windows. Up until now, my immediate vicinity seemed to escape this nefarious activity;  but no longer. I’m so glad I don’t have a car to worry about!

I’m planning tomorrow’s log ride, of course. With these Dust Bowl conditions, I must be sure to take a full Camel-Bak! I found bottles of Propel at the salvage store; and that can be tomorrow’s electrolyte drink. I also found a box of a dozen Gatorade Whey Protein Bars in my favorite chocolate-caramel flavor!

The weather for tomorrow looks like it will be a repeat of today; so riding ought to be good.