

Drying Up

Drying Up

drying up dehydrate desert weight
Be sure to take plenty of water!

I was drying up today. The humidity level is 59%, which is rather low for us; and on top of that, apparently I didn’t drink quite enough.

Adequate hydration is an important part of cycling; and as usual, I used my Camel-Bak for my long ride today. To determine whether you’re drinking enough, they say to weigh yourself before and after your ride; and if your post-ride weight is a pound or more below your pre-ride weight, you’re dehydrated.

I came close to it today: I lost nine-tenths of a pound; and usually I gain at least a pound during the weekly long ride. The problem with keeping up with hydration needs, is the need for pit stops; and that’s going to be a bigger issue now that the weather is getting warmer. It’s hard to find a balance between drinking enough; but not so much that I need a restroom every half-hour!

Another reason I was drying up today was the headwind. Before I got back home, it was up to 16-17 mph; and as often happens, I was breathing with my mouth open a good part of the time. “Keep your mouth shut!” is, perhaps, a natural rejoinder; but nose-breathing doesn’t work well if you have exercise-induced rhinitis. It’s also hard to breathe through my nose when I’m exercising hard!

It’s the final week of the April Love to Ride challenge; so I want to be sure I rack up some miles. Today I did 44.20; and I have six days to ride some more! It looks like there’s some rain chances tomorrow and Tuesday; and I hope the weather doesn’t wash out Love to Ride.