

Double Malady

\"doubleI sure got a double malady today: brain FAG and brain FOG.

About noon I decided to ride over to the bike shop, to look for a new pair of gloves. I got there only to realize that I\’d left my \”wallet\” home. I had also forgotten to re-set the bicycle computer before starting out. I had to go back home to get the wallet; then went to the bike shop.

Afterwards I rode back home; re-set the bike computer; and started over to the park. I figured I\’d ride around it a few times and go home. Not halfway there I realized I didn\’t have any ID with me! I had left the wallet at home, so I went back there. And stayed.

But how did my brain get so scrambled?

It\’s been gray, drizzly, and misty all day. Such weather is liable to make me foggy-headed to begin with. I went out to run an errand before 9 am, but didn\’t use a bicycle. I needed to visit the bank, so I got my driver\’s license out from the baggie with the cell phone, where I usually keep it. I put it in my \”wallet\”; another baggie where I have my work ID and other things I\’m likely to need often.

When I got back home, I forgot to put my license back where I usually keep it; and I set the \”wallet\” on the shelf where I normally keep it at night, instead of putting it in my pocket. No wonder I got into such a mix-up.

I worked on Products in my Shop for an hour or so. That seems to be as much as I can tolerate at a stretch. My brain starts to say NO MORE, and brain fag makes me physically tired as well.

Brain fag can also trigger brain FOG. When such a double malady strikes me, it\’s no wonder I wound up forgetting things.