

Don’t Waste It

Don't Waste It!

“Don’t waste it” is what it’s all about. I don’t want food to go bad, forcing me to throw it out.

As a rule, I try to avoid getting drawn into cooking projects on weeknights. A week ago last Monday, I felt that I had no choice.

The previous Saturday I had bought some potatoes at the salvage store, and needed to use them up. For one thing, the bag that they were stored in was on the floor, where I kept stumbling over it. The potatoes didn’t seem to be the best quality, either; and I didn’t want them to rot before I could eat them.

I made Potato-Spinach-Jack; a variation on Cauliflower Potato Cheddar mash. This recipe is on page 87 of The American Diabetes Association Vegetarian Cookbook.

This is quite a simple dish; yet it takes up a surprising amount to time to prepare. I have to scrub, peel, and chop the potatoes. After putting them to cook, I have to grate the cheese and the nutmeg; drain the spinach (a messy job!); and chop the onion and bell pepper. I like freshly ground white pepper; I have to prepare that as well.

When the potatoes are cooked, I use a large, slotted spoon to remove them from the cooking water. I put them in my 5-quart pot, and mash them using the back of the spoon; easy enough if I do it immediately. Then the rest of the ingredients go in; cheese first so it can melt. And I forgot to add salt!

You may wonder why I’m so concerned with “use it up”. My mother, who was a youngster during the Great Depression, repeated this quote many a time: “Use it up! Wear it out! Make it do! Or do without!”

So don’t waste it. Use it up instead.