

Don\’t Forget Why


Don\’t forget why we ride! So, why do we ride?

For fun, or for exercise? Do we ride to compete; or to lose weight? Or is it just to get around town?

For me, it began because I needed a way to get to places beyond walking distance; and without a car. I immediately took to riding almost every day because my legs liked the way it felt to ride. They still do; and I hope to enjoy many more years of pedaling.

This leads straight into cycling for exercise. They always say, choose a form of exercise that you like; or you\’re unlikely to stick with it.

No matter how much you enjoy your chosen form of exercise, there will be days when you don\’t feel like doing it; or when it\’s not fun. It\’s OK to take a short break from cycling now and then. It can benefit both body and mind.

Some folks have an innate urge to compete; and what do they do? They race! Racing is far in the future for me, if I ever do it at all; so I can\’t say much about it.

Losing weight? I need to work off a good 15 pounds!  There\’s plenty of info out there about diet and weight loss; and what works for me might not work for the next person. Thus I shall excuse myself from making recommendations.

Touring sounds great; and Adventure Cycling offers a wide variety of tours. Look for one that meets your budget and your current level of cycling fitness.

A bicycle is helpful for just getting around town. You can bypass traffic jams; and parking is so much easier than with a car!

So don\’t forget why you ride; and may 2019 be a great cycling year for you!