



Distraction is the name of the game this morning.

I don\’t mean that I have boisterous kids horsing around while I\’m trying to work. Hurricane Zeta is approaching!

As I get this blog post started, before 9 am, things are quiet. I just peeked out the window, and it looked like it was windstill. The sky is overcast, which is a good thing. It will keep things from getting too hot before storm conditions actually set in.

I know, I ought not to work on blogs when I\’m on the job. But I don\’t want to have the power go out before I can do any blogging!

I don\’t want my trash can and recycling bin to go flying when those hurricane-force winds arrive. I got out my bicycle cable lock and attached the bins\’ handles to the fence. Of course there\’s the chance that the wind will line up precisely with the narrow space between my building and the house next door, and tear the handles off of the bins. But even if that does come about, at least I tried.

Car owners who have to park on the street — the majority of car owners in this \’hood, I\’d say — will have their special worries. Flying debris can easily smash windows, and if the wind is strong enough it can even shove vehicles around.

I\’ve been finishing this post during morning break. That\’s one less distraction! I\’m very glad that I\’m not frantically trying to buy canned goods and bottled water at this, the eleventh hour. All those excursions to the salvage store really pay off at times like this.

Now I have to get back to the job again.