

desertification desert humidity dry
Low humidity makes me think of this!

Are we undergoing desertification? The humidity is only 30%; and for us, that’s very dry.

Night before last, we had some heavy rain; and such a low humidity reading surprises me. But I suppose it won’t be long before “the muggies” (as a local meteorologist used to say) return; and the Summer heat along with them!

Mornings are still cool enough for leg warmers; jacket; and skull cap.

Helmet Liner
This product keeps your head and ears warm during cold-day rides

And gloves, of course; but now I don’t need hand warmers. Those warming packs feel good on a frigid day; but I admit they make holding the handlebars more awkward.

Since the onset of Daylight time, it’s still dark when I get back home from a morning ride; but soon I’ll need to wear sunblock on my face — for rides that begin in the dark!

This morning I was out for a ride, and saw what I thought were alligator’s eyes reflected in my headlight. Then I noticed that there were two pairs of those amber-colored eyes; and they seemed to be bouncing around. I thought that was weird; and then I looked again and realized that it was a pair of raccoons.

But back to desertification. I wouldn’t mind if our climate were a little less humid; but I sure don’t want it to turn into anything approximating Death Valley. If it were as hot and dry as that; and I wanted to do 50-mile rides; I’d need to be assured of plenty of “watering holes” where I could refill my Camel-Bak!

There’s a 40% chance of rain tomorrow; so I guess I don’t have to worry about desertification just yet. Sunday looks to be clear; and not too warm; so my long ride ought to go OK.