

Day 27


Day 27 of Love to Ride!

How time flies. Just a few more days left, but it\’s not too late to sign up and log your rides!

This morning I hitched up the trailer and rode to the salvage store.  I got a pretty good haul for under $29; all this stuff plus a loaf of bread. If only this pic showed the things better!

Sometimes, as today, the store has special sales, with the stuff outdoors. It\’s lucky I had the trailer! The trailer, in fact, is good for any trip to the salvage store. I never know when I might run across good stuff.

There were six-packs of those ramen noodles-in-a-cup. While they aren\’t heavy, they\’re bulky. If I\’d had only the bike trunk and panniers, I couldn\’t have brought them home because they\’d have taken up too much space.

Naturally I headed for the make-your-own-grab-bag bins once I got inside the store; and made up a small grab bag, and a large one. I try to pack my grab bags so as to get in as many things as possible. I brought home an assortment of candy bars, cookies, and things I can use for on-bike food. All for eight bucks 🙂

I found a can of Progresso® soup for 97 cents. The store is beginning to stock little fresh produce, and I got a couple of zucchini and some red onions. I\’m in the mood for Simple Biryani! (See The Feed Zone Cookbook, pg. 224).

And so forth. I can get pretty boring with my litany of bargains from the salvage store, so I\’d better stop now, and think about tomorrow\’s ride. After all, Love to Ride isn\’t over yet; it\’s only Day 27!