

Day 24


It\’s already Day 24 of Love to Ride!

However much I enjoy riding, it has its less than pleasant aspects. For one, the warming weather means that the insects are coming out! I keep running into swarms of tiny moths. It’s really annoying because I hardly dare to breathe through my mouth; but it’s still cool enough for my nose to get runny. That means I can’t breathe well through my nose! I have to resort to snot rockets to keep my nasal passages halfway clear.

This morning it was overcast; and it remained so for much of the day. The forecast for tomorrow looks bad; it predicts 100% chance of rain, with possibly severe T-storms. Time to haul out the poncho!

Maybe I’ll get to ride; and maybe I won’t. The catch is, even if it isn\’t raining when I go out, bad weather can move fast; far faster than I can out-ride it. I must remember to check the online radar when I get up.

If it\’s calm here, but there\’s a T-storm on the horizon, I could get a terrific light show. But will the storm stay far away? Three weeks ago a T-storm moved in just as I was riding to work, and the lightning seemed to be chasing me. Not fun.

Six more days of the Love to Ride challenge left. So far I\’ve ridden every day, and I hope I won\’t have to lose a day. I don\’t want my efforts to lag at Day 24.