
Day 19

\"loveLove to Ride continues; and it\’s already Day 19!

I almost missed the moon this morning. I set my alarm clock as usual; but when I turned it off I went right back to sleep. As a result, it was nearly 6 am when I finally got underway.

There was enough daylight that the moon was starting to look pale, but I still got to see the moon path on the river. The wind was strong, and I didn\’t feel like fighting it; so after I got my \”moon fix\” I decided to go to the park.

By this time of year, I put sunblock on my face before my weekday morning rides; and today, I forgot about it. Luckily I carry a tube of snblock in my under-saddle pack, and could apply some before riding any farther. Then I rode to the park, but made only one round. I had some errands to run, and wanted to get home.

It feels quite chilly today for mid-April. Before I rode, I checked the chill factor: 55 degrees! I\’m glad I haven\’t packed away my electric heaters yet. The wind will continue to be strong today and tomorrow. At least the rain seems to be over for now. I\’m looking forward to a good Easter Sunday ride! I need to put in some miles, because it\’s already Day 19!