
Day 17

\"DayLove to Ride Day 17 already!

The Saga of the Flat Tire continues.

I had noticed that my road bike\’s rear tire seemed to have a slow leak. This morning I pumped it up, and risked doing my usual ride (out 7 miles or so and back), and didn\’t have trouble. Then I rode the  hybrid to work, as usual.

When I got home in the evening, I checked the road bike\’s rear tire again. It had been losing air. I pumped it up again; and walked the bike to the bike shop, rather than risk a possible flat if I rode there.

They found a hunk of glass in the rear tire, which I had missed. When I had the flat, I felt around inside the tire for such things, and didn\’t find any. I didn\’t pay enough attention to the sidewall, which is where that glass was.

So now the rear tire\’s tube has been replaced yet again. And I wonder when I\’ll need to replace the tires again. My road bike\’s maintenance log last shows new tires in August, 2016! I can\’t quite believe I haven\’t replaced them since then. I\’ll have to browse through my ride log for a note about new tires; and next time I have a flat, I must remember to check the sidewalls!

But I hope I don\’t have another flat tire. Day 17 means the Love to Ride challenge has more than ten days left.