
Day 14


Love to Ride, and by golly, it\’s now Day 14. I love to ride, yes; but I do not love to get a flat tire!

The worst of the severe weather bypassed us. The wind was still pretty strong this morning, and I felt tired anyway; so I decided to do only a short ride. I planned to ride ten miles or so out, taking it easy; then back home with (for a change) a tailwind.

Eight miles out I suddenly noticed a peculiar ka-thump, ka-thump as I rolled along. I wondered, was I noticing the not-so-smooth surface more because of my low speed? About then the surface changed to a smoother one, but the ka-thump noise didn\’t go away.

I stopped to check my tires. Front tire, OK. Rear tire? Flat 🙁 And no garage with a mechanic handy.

I know what do to to change a tube; but actually doing it is another matter. I was having a very hard time just getting the tire loose from the rim! I\’m lucky that another rider stopped to help me. Truth be told, he did most of the work, for which I am thankful. Otherwise I might be out there yet! And I\’m also very thankful for tire liners. Otherwise this would probably happen more often.

It\’s also good that I carry the necessary tools and a spare tube with me. After we got my tire fixed, I was going to take it easy going back home. Then the wind got behind me, and temptation took over; and I made several efforts to go fast. I maxed at 23 mph, which for me is fast.

Now somebody tell me, what can I do with the old tube? Keep it as a souvenir of Day 14?