The Cycle Ops Fluid 2 trainer is handy when you can\’t ride outdoors — such as when your area is under threat from a hurricane.
In Winter, when the chill factor drops to freezing or below, being able to \”ride\” indoors is useful. We don\’t get such cold weather very often; so I haven\’t had the opportunity to get used to it, or really learn how to dress for it. Even with warming packs inside my gloves, my fingers can get numb from the cold. My feet also get miserably cold, making me worry about frostbite.
Cycle Ops is useful in another way, too. When I need to clean a bike; or lube the chain, I can fasten the bicycle into the trainer. This is ever so much easier than struggling to hold the bicycle up while I work on it. I\’d say this item is worth the money!