

Cut It Short

Cut It Short

I had to cut it short today, big time.

The forecast was for isolated T-storms by 7:00 am; and scattered T-storms as the morning went on. That, of course, had me a bit on edge.

It was just after 8:00 when I finally got going; and the sky looked pretty stormy already. The sun had peeked out a few times, though; so I wore my sunglasses. Of course that made the clouds look all the darker!

I had ridden only a half-mile or so when it began to sprinkle; and it looked like I was heading straight for worse weather.  Going back home seemed like the wiser course. But it wasn’t really raining yet; and I rode the hybrid to the nearby grocery store.

I needed bananas; and this store keeps them right inside the entrance. Hummus and frozen blueberries were on my wish list; but I don’t know where that store keeps them. Concerns over the weather meant I didn’t want to spend a lot of time looking for them; so I’ll have to go without.

When I got out of the store, the sky was darker; and I donned my poncho before beginning the ride home. On the way, the wind began to blow in  the way it does when it’s about to storm. 

When I got home, I checked the weather online. There was a T-storm in progress at the airport (about 11-12 miles from here); and heavy rain. So it’s a good thing I cut it short. If I had kept riding, I would have been caught in it! 

It began to rain here about 9:20 am; and actually, it’s nice to be indoors for it. But speaking of cutting, I’ve got a huge cauliflower that I have to chop up.