


Life sometimes throws us a curveball, so they say. I sure got one a week or so ago. This place where I’ve been renting since before Katrina, is up for sale; and the manager has no info as to what the buyer will do with it.

S/he might want to leave it as is, and keep renting the units out. On the other hand, the buyer might want to demolish the place; and build something new.

I don’t quite dare wait to find out. It might be August before I an get definite info; and this is a  college town. By August, the students will be pouring back into town; and anything close to campus will quickly get snapped up.

I need to stay close to here, where I am. The levee bike path is a stone’s throw away from my current front door; and that’s very important to me. I really need the exercise!

My application for an apartment is under consideration; so we’ll see how that works out. If I do move, that trailer will come in handy!

When I began stocking up like crazy because of possible COVID stay-at-home orders, I had no idea I might have to move. Now I have scads of canned goods, bath tissue, and so on.

So, I really don’t want to move; but if I’m accepted for that apartment, I don’t quite dare refuse it. I just hope that, whatever I decide to do, it will be the best thing. I don’t need any more curveballs!