

Curriculum Vitae?

\"curriculumCurriculum vitae; or cv; or — coronavirus.

Not that \”cv\” is anything to joke about. COVID-19 can be serious for some people.

It’s got everybody on the jump. Is it safe to go anywhere at all? Schools are closing right and left. The university campus where I work has instituted online-learning only through the end of the semester. Staff are to continue reporting to work unless notified otherwise. I won’t be surprised, though, if it does come to a shut-down. We\’re taking steps to insure minimal disruption if we have to work from home.

What concerns me is, if I were coming down with it, would I even know? My \”curriculum vitae\” for the last 32+ years is chronic fatigue, thanks to a sleep disorder. Tired is normal for me.

This time of year I typically feel rather dragged-down anyway. I seem to have some kind of seasonal allergy. Complicating matters is the switch to Daylight time. I’ve been jet-lagged all week.

I feel lightheaded? What else is new? My blood pressure runs low. Just yesterday I saw my GYN, and naturally the nurse took my temp. It was 97 degrees. If I were sick and running a fever, my temp might seem “normal”.

I know someone who thinks that this coronavirus to-do is more fuss than necessary. I hope she\’s right. Meanwhile I\’ve got the weekend to cook up stuff to eat during next week.

What do I have in mind? A variation of Cauliflower Potato Cheddar Mash, from the ADA Vegetarian Cookbook — made with sweet potatoes!