It was a crazy day yesterday. First, I forgot to set my alarm clock the night before. It was already 5:40 when I woke up.
Today was Tuesday, and that meant I had to go work on-site. I didn\’t feel like rushing around to fix and eat breakfast post-ride, so I decided not to ride. It was actually a nice change to have a leisurely breakfast!
There\’s a FedEx near my workplace, and I had planned send a fax of four or five pages. I changed my mind after I called the FedEx and asked how much it cost to send a fax. Three bucks per page!
I didn\’t ride the hybrid to work because I had a large envelope containing the pages I was going to fax. I put the envelope in my backpack. That backpack is so old that the chest straps are all gone, and I don\’t much care to ride a bicycle with a backpack that won\’t stay securely in place.
Of course that meant I had to walk to and from work. The hike to work is one thing, but the trek back home is another story. It takes quite a chunk out of my lunch break! It\’s no wonder I end up feeling like that kitty some days.
I didn\’t want to skip riding, so I went out on the road bike after work. The wind was 10-13 mph, and much of the time was either a sidewind or a headwind. Even so, I averaged 11.6 mph for a round trip of 11.80 miles. That\’s still quite slow, but such a wind used to push me back to 6-8 mph. Progress!
So yes, it was a crazy day; but I still got out to ride.