



Our weather seems very confused. It’s not yet the end of February; but yesterday afternoon I had to turn on the air conditioner!

Yesterday in the morning I had occupational therapy;  and that meant walking about a mile from streetcar stop to the clinic. Even at 8:00 am, it was already getting warm. On the upside, day before yesterday was Mardi Gras; and I was able to collect some “throws” without the hassle of noise and crowds.

My hand is doing OK; but I think I need to back off a little. Apparently I did a bit too much for a few days, because the hand is a tad swollen. But oh, how hard it is to keep that hand out of action!

Considering the unusual warmth, I’m surprised that T-storms aren’t in the forecast. This morning there was a dense fog advisory, though; and the forecast predicts a high of 82 degrees! A wearable AC would be useful; I could leave that window unit off and save on the power bill.

This crazy weather has us all confused. How should I dress today? Is it going to turn cold again? When; and how much colder? I’ve heard people complain about this capricious weather often, saying you never know how to dress; and that it’s no wonder people get sick.

I’m debating whether to go work on aWattBike® now; or wait for afternoon. I badly need the exercise; but at the moment I feel lazy.